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Snowy Landscape – Kusche Alfred

Opera size: 60 x 80 cm
Dimensions with cornice: 78 x 98 cm
Technique: oil on rigid cardboard
Period: year ’20

Suggestive winter paesaggio, one of those favorites of this picture

Kusche Alfred
Graphic, pictore (21 April 1884 Karlsruhe 9 August 1984 Karlsruhe)

Alfred Kusche was a figlio of a lithograph and owner of the typografia Kusche und Eder di Karlsruhe, che lavorava anche par l’Associazione degli artisti di Karlsruhe. After completing the secondary school, I attended the undergraduate seminar, but I enrolled in the academic and professional studies in November 1904. In 1906, I took the first course of study, and was registered to be a graduate of the Pforzheim school. Other than your interest in the design, it is operated in Italy, with money and money.
In 1909, I was enrolled in the University of Karlsruhe University, which was responsible for the training of industrial students with the design and reproduction on the basis of nature, graphic and ornamental design of the surface, metal and glass painting. , tessuti e carta da parati. Inoltre, ha realizzato progetti grafici per aziende industriali. Since 1909, it was the second prize in a joint venture with the Waldorf-Astoria tobacco manufacturer, but it was officially nominated by the artistic committee of the stessa manufacturer.
However, other activities may benefit from your programs. He contacted the maiolica and was contacted by a representative of Junker & Ruh, so that he could designate the manifesto. I collaborated with you for many years. During the outbreak of global war, the figure of the Assessor is designed to be used for advertising purposes by the Sinner Company.
In 1920, he was appointed professor at the art school and enrolled in the professional school. When this decision was taken in 1924, I received a voluntary pension. Da allora ha lavorato coma freelance artist. Alfred Kusche is still aware of the bank’s warning when it emerges at the time of inflation.